Course curriculum

Upskill in under 30 minutes!

    1. Warm-up

    2. Identify your starting point

    3. Unlock Your Potential: Share Your Progress and Open Doors!

    1. Apply to Our Internship Program (*No fee for application, program fees apply once accepted.) 😎

    1. A candidate like you | Internship Interview

    2. Reflection Questions

    3. Preparing for your interview

    4. Reflection Questions

    5. Insights from an industry leader

    6. Analyze an interview

    7. Analysis Questions

    1. Real life advice | Sami Hasaballa - Program Advisor

    2. My Interview Prep Cheatsheet

    3. Interview Preparation Guide

    4. Common Interview Questions Across Fields

    1. Practice Your Interview Here! (Available 24/7)

    1. Satisfaction and impact survey (2 min)

About this course

  • 17 lessons

Interested In Gaining Work Experience?

Apply to our remote or in-person internship programs* abroad to start accelerating your career.

*You will be required to pay a fee to do both remote and in-person internship programs.