Interns | Rocking your first weeks on the job
Recognize key milestones, information, and tools to prepare for the first weeks on the job
Learning Outline
Unlock Your Potential: Share Your Progress and Open Doors!
Introduction to your experience
Reflection questions
Set yourself up for success | 4 Game-changing prep strategies
How To Set SMART Goals & Objectives
Vague goals vs SMART Goals
Setting your internship goals
Planning For A Successful Internship
Describe your first week on the job
Discuss | First week expectations
What to expect in week 1
Example of Onboarding Plan
Key Vocabulary
Tips and Advice: Having a successful first week
Asking the right questions
Reflection and application
Joanna Danger - Lessons Learned from Leading Remote Teams: What Managers Really Want
Podcast| What People Get Wrong about Setting Goals
Starting a New Job Remotely? Follow These 7 Tips
Satisfaction and impact survey (2 min)